Saturday, May 9, 2009

why oh ming.

Not many words, just some pictures...didn't have a chance to really look through them, but here are a few. actually here are a lot, next stop Salt Lake visiting Dan Choe, eating some mexican tonight. Enjoy the post. Stay thirsty friends.

wanted a copy of the picture, but doesn't have email, crazy...sending it to his home.

colors are washed out, but then again, it wasn't that good.


sarachoi said...

ah-may-zing! the snowman and the last mountain pic are the best for the west.

jeehoon cho said...

send to national geo! be safe! more crazy adventures! yeah!

jrho said...

so brokeback.

will said...

chuck dood u need to shave before you get to cali or else no surprise party

pegs said...

wow these pictures are so amazing... seriously...